Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ozotic + Picture Polish love.

I'm a big fan of duochromes, flakies and holos.  This is no new thing - I got my first Duo from australia when I was 20, and I have no idea where its gone, but I've spent years trying to find it or replace it.

A while back I got a package from Serra who placed an order for us from Picture Polish.  They're phasing out the 500 range of Ozotic polishes, so I had to snap up 505.  Its the hardest (and I mean HARDEST) colour to photograph.

They also take an age to dry, probably from being so sheer.  This means you're more likely to dent the surface (as I always do).

Please ignore the tip wear/shrinkage/wrinkles... thats my own fault for not waiting till it was dry.

Kleancolor Black, Ozotic 505, Picture Polish Festival.

Can see a little of the blue shift in the bottle. 

I love the multicoloured flakies. 
Blue, purple and a touch of green shift, with rainbow flakies.

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